Clare Lloyd 14th Lorne Infection and Immunity 2024

Clare Lloyd

Clare Lloyd is Head of the Respiratory Division at the National Heart & Lung Institute in London. She trained in immunology at Kings College London and undertook Postdoctoral research at Guys Hospital London and Harvard Medical School, Boston. She worked in a Biotech company in Cambridge USA, investigating the functions of type2 molecules in different disease models. She returned to the UK to start her own group, and has been funded by a serial Wellcome Trust Senior Fellowships. Clare’s research the mechanisms underlying the immune response to inhaled allergens pathogens and pollutants, trying to understand how the immune system senses the inhaled environment, examining how these stimuli influences development of lung inflammation, particularly in very young children. She is Vice Dean for Institutional Affairs in the Faculty of Medicine at Imperial College, taking leading on EDI and career development. Clare is an elected fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences.

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